Oz Barcode

Privacy Policy

Data Controller: Oz Barcode Systems

As the data controller, our company approaches the processing and safeguarding of personal data of individuals related to our company, including our customers, consumers, and employees, with great sensitivity, within the framework of the Turkish Constitution, the international conventions to which our country is a party, and primarily the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (KVKK).

In this context, we would like to inform you about our practices as the Data Controller under the KVKK.

Personal data you share with us as a customer, consumer, supplier, or employee may be processed in accordance with KVKK, in a manner that is connected and proportional to our operational and service purposes. The data may also be transferred to third parties within the country or abroad, stored, used for profiling, and classified.

Purpose of Processing Your Personal Data

Your personal data will be processed:

  • In a manner consistent with the principles of lawfulness and fairness,
  • In connection with and limited to the purposes of processing,
  • Accurately and updated,
  • For specific, clear, and legitimate purposes.

As the data controller, your personal data will be processed to understand your needs by recognizing you better, to respond quickly to your requests, to enhance communication with you, to provide better service and personalized products, services, and offers. Additionally, your data will be used for analysis, to inform you about our products and services, to measure satisfaction with them, to improve and diversify products and services in line with your needs and requests, to ensure necessary quality and standard inspections, or to fulfill legal reporting and other obligations.

The data of our employees may also be processed by our company or authorized real or legal persons in cooperation with us, for reasons including business security and workplace harmony, in addition to mandatory requirements outlined by labor, social security, and other relevant laws.

Transfer of Your Personal Data

Your personal data may be transferred domestically or internationally, in line with the purposes mentioned above and in compliance with KVKK and other relevant legislation, to our business partners, affiliates, service providers, subcontractors, and to regulatory authorities or government agencies where legally required.

Method and Legal Basis for Collecting Your Personal Data

Your personal data may be collected orally, in writing, or electronically for the purposes and scope described above.

Personal data may be collected through membership forms you complete electronically, various contracts you sign with our company, emails, faxes, letters you send to our company, and any verbal or written communication. These can be collected orally, in writing, or electronically.

Your Rights as a Data Owner

Within the framework of the KVKK and other relevant legislation, you have the right to:

  • Learn whether your personal data has been processed,
  • Request information if your personal data has been processed,
  • Learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether it is used in accordance with this purpose,
  • Learn the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred, domestically or abroad,
  • Request the correction of incomplete or incorrect personal data,
  • Request the deletion or destruction of your personal data under the conditions outlined in the KVKK,
  • Request notification to third parties of any corrections, deletions, or destructions made,
  • Object to adverse results based solely on automated processing,
  • Seek compensation for damages arising from the unlawful processing of personal data.

To exercise these rights, you may submit your request in writing or by other means specified by the Personal Data Protection Board. You can also email your requests to [email protected] via your registered electronic mail (KEP) address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature, or by using your electronic mail address registered in our system.

Your request will be answered per relevant KVKK provisions. To confirm your identity and ensure the accuracy of the information, our company may request certain verification details. These will be used solely for identity verification and ensuring accurate information sharing.